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Huiseigenaren Nieuwkoop ontvingen onterecht melding over bijdrage aan Ondernemersfonds
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About SVHW

SVHW levies and collects taxes on behalf of the District Water Board of Hollandse Delta and 13 municipalities. SVHW also assesses the value of real estate located in these municipalities as part of the execution of the Wet waardering onroerende zaken (WOZ, real estate valuation law).

Tax types and descriptions

What types of taxes you have to pay depends on which municipality you live in and whether you own real estate. Below is a brief description of taxes you may find on your tax assessment. Tax rates may differ per municipality.

Payment options

Bills should be paid in full before the due date. There are several payment options:

  • In één keer betalen

    (one time payment)

    You can transfer the amount you owe to IBAN NL81 BNGH 0285 0843 21 for SVHW. Please include the aanslagnummer in the payment reference. International payments require the IBAN and BIC code. Please be advised that your bank may charge extra for international payments.
    – IBAN NL81 BNGH 0285 0843 21
    – BIC: BNGHNL 2G.

  • Automatische incasso

    (automatic direct debit)

    You can authorize SVHW to automatically deduct your payment from your bank account. Amounts are deducted in a minimum of seven- and a maximum of ten instalments. Deductions are made at the end of each month.